Onboarding: Get Back to the Human Side of Business

During candidate onboarding, a significant amount of time is spent gathering applicant data, entering it into various systems, and handling a range of other administrative tasks. While those steps are crucial, it means taking time away from the human side of your staffing business.

Administrative onboarding activities require spending time in front of a computer, giving you less time to engage with job seekers and client companies. Fortunately, with Essium’s onboarding solution, you can automate the administrative side of onboarding. As a result, recruiters spend less of their day staring at a screen and more time elevating the client and candidate experience. If you’re wondering how Essium can help you get back to the human side of business, here’s what you need to know.

How Xenqu from Essium Helps You Focus on the Human Side of Business

Xenqu from Essium is a comprehensive onboarding solution designed with staffing firms in mind. It aims to simplify the onboarding process significantly, all while boosting candidate engagement and ensuring compliance.

Essium’s onboarding solution makes data collection a breeze. Employees can complete their onboarding paperwork through a convenient portal, allowing them to wrap it up before their first day on the job. That means recruiters don’t have to spend time entering details from these documents into other applications.

Throughout the process, Xenqu tracks document completion and other onboarding tasks. Recruiters can monitor candidate progress to ensure compliance with all applicable laws. Additionally, Xenqu updates automatically to incorporate new legislative requirements, eliminating the need to research new laws internally and saving you time.

Plus, Xenqu from Essium gives recruitment agencies access to process automation. You can eliminate redundant data entry through application integration. The onboarding solution connects directly to most HR software platforms, allowing data collected through Xenqu to cross-populate across a range of decentralized solutions.

The reduction in data entry also reduces error rates. There’s far less manual entry of information, limiting the total number of typos dramatically. Plus, error correction can also cross-populate through connected solutions, so you can fix any mistake with a single adjustment.

Xenqu also features smart communication tools designed to streamline candidate communication and support collaboration. As a result, you can handle common communication needs in less time, all from a single centralized platform with built-in communication tracking.

By streamlining administrative tasks, your recruitment team spends less time on paperwork, data entry, and repetitive communications. In turn, that gives them more time to connect with candidates and clients. Essentially, Xenqu becomes an opportunity to focus on the human side of business, a move that can boost engagement and heighten success.

Bottom Line

Ultimately, Essium offers robust onboarding solutions designed to streamline staffing firm operations. By taking advantage of our solution, your team can focus on the human side of business, allowing them to make connecting with candidates and clients a priority.

If you want to incorporate modern onboarding technology and simplify your processes, Essium can help. Contact us to find out more about Xenqu, our comprehensive onboarding solution, and see how our solutions can benefit your staffing firm.