Are You Keeping Your Staffing Firm Safe? 4 Cyber Security Tips

Staffing firms are in charge of handling a lot of personal information. Oftentimes, you have profiles for hundreds of candidates at one time. Not to mention, you may have access to sensitive client information as well. Because of this, it is important for your staffing firm to have safe cyber security practices. Here are a few tips to help you keep your firm safe.

How to Keep Your Staffing Firm Safe from Cyber Security Attacks

Create a Breach Response

The first thing you need to address is whether or not you have an appropriate breach response in place. Consider all of the potential cyber threats your business faces. What plans are in place in the event of a breach? You should also take time to think about the possible responses to each problem and determine the best approach. Then, write everything down in a formal document.

Your response should be included in training materials so that each employee is aware of what to do in the event of a breach. Cyber security training should also be part of every staff member’s onboarding and regular training too. Integrating these things into

Establish a Formal Update Process

Speaking of formal documents, you should have system update requirements outlined in your employee manual. Software updates and password refreshes are necessary to maintain cyber security. Make it a company-wide expectation to change passwords every quarter. You should also require monthly system updates.

Doing this will help protect your company’s systems against cyber threats. It will also empower your employees to take their cyber security into their own hands.

Have an Insurance Policy in Place

If you don’t already have one, get an insurance policy in place to cover your cyber security threats. The policy should cover any liabilities associated with a potential data breach. Any business that does any kind of work online or digitally should have some kind of insurance like this in place.

For example, if a breach happens and client information is lost or important files are hacked, liability insurance would help cover any costs linked to the deal. This includes covering losses and potential lawsuits. While this coverage can be pricey, it is often worth the peace of mind, especially in today’s digital-facing world.

Use Third-Party Functions

Outsourcing some of your business functions like payroll or recruiting can make things easier. You can automate things like looking through resumes and sorting through candidate profiles. Tools like this help lead your staffing firm to success.

However, you want to be sure you do plenty of research into the third-party company you’ll be partnering with. Make sure that their cyber security protocols meet your business’s expectations. Don’t partner with another business if they are not making cyber security a priority. Doing so can jeopardize your own company’s data. You can search for referrals from within your industry.

Ready For Safe and Efficient Technology?

Essium’s technology can help you keep your company’s data safe. Automating your digital processes with our technology will help reduce errors and ensure compliance. Request a consultation to learn more about how our systems can improve your processes.

